每日一练丨ACCA F4测试题Corporate fraudulent
今天给大家带来的每日一练,是来自ACCA F4《公司法与商法》的测试题 Corporate fraudulent ,记得做完在下拉看答案哦~ Question: Which of the following corporate policies is not required by UK Corporate Governance Code? A.A board where there is a balance of power between the Chairman and the Chief Executive such that no one person has unfettered powers of decision. B.A board that has a balance of executive and non-executive directors in terms of local,regional and national representation such that,in particular,local commercial issues are appropriately represented. C.A board that meets regularly,has certain matters reserved for its decision and where directors are able to obtain independent professional advice. D.A board that has a balance of executive and non-executive directors such that no individual or small group is dominant. The correct answer is: B The UK Corporate Governance Code does not include any recommendations in relation to the geographical representation of board members. ▍ 本文由中国ACCA考试网整理发布,如需转载或引用请完整注明出处,不得篡改替换。更多AC