今天给大家带来的每日一练,是来自ACCA F9《财务管理》精选题Business Finance,记得做完在下拉看答案哦~
Which of the following is not a valid reason why the directors of a company might decide to retain earnings rather than pay them out as dividends?
A.Retention of earnings avoids the possibility of a change in control resulting from an issue of new shares
B.Finance from retained earnings has no cost as a source of finance.
C.The shareholders generally wish to make a capital profit
D.Retention of earnings allows the directors to undertake investment projects without involving the shareholders
The correct answer is:B
解析:Finance from retained earnings has the same cost as the rest of the equity capital.However their use does not incur transaction costs.
If the shareholders wish to make a capital profit(2)then they will prefer their income in the form of capital growth rather than dividends.Thus they will be in favour of the company operating a policy of high retentions.
Since no change is made to the structure of the ownership of the business,the use of retentions(3)does avoid the possibility of a change in control.
4 is a valid reason.In this situation the directors will not have to go to the general meeting to obtain permission for a further capital issue to finance new projects.The use of retained earnings therefore allows them greater autonomy in their decisions.