英国Employment Rights Act明确规定:用人单位不能对怀孕员工进行解聘,如果解聘,员工可以起诉用人单位unfairdismissal,这时候雇主可能面临非常大额的赔偿金。所以说,学习劳动法,有利于帮助大家维权。那么今天就给大家讲劳动合同中非常重要的一个知识点,普通法和成文法下雇主和雇员的义务分别是什么。
(一)Common law下员工的义务
The employee has a fundamental duty of faithful service to their employer.
1.例如案例Hivac Ltd v Park Royal Scientific Instruments Ltd中,员工利用闲暇为被告公司工作,而这家公司是原告公司的竞争方。法院判决:即使员工没有传递任何的机密信息,他们也属于违反了对原告忠诚的职责。由此案例可知,我们是不能同时在两家竞争公司担任职务的。这里需要补充的是,对于商业机密方面的员工职责在雇佣期结束后也同样有效,员工不能告知新的雇主关于前任公司的商业机密,不然也算违约。
2.Reasonable competence to do their job.
3.Obedience tothe employer's instructions unless they require them to do an unlawful act orto expose themselves to personal danger(not inherent in their work)or areinstructions outside the employee's contract.
4.Duty to account for all money and property received during the course of theiremployment except what is customary to be received or is trivial.
员工要能对自己所获得的收入解释的清楚,也就是员工不能收受贿赂。比如2016年,龙煤集团分公司副总于铁义受贿超3亿元,一审被黑龙江省中级人民法院判决死缓,所以,作为员工一定不能欺诈公司,在英国,虽然没有国内判决严重,但也是很严重的criminal liability,如果出现bribery最多是10年监禁再加unlimited fine。
5.Reasonable care and skill
6.Personal service–the contract of employment is a personalone and so the employee may not delegate their duties without the employer'sexpress or implied consent.
(二)Common law下雇主的义务
1.To pay remuneration to employees.Ifthere is no rate fixed by the parties,this duty is to pay reasonableremuneration.也
2.To indemnify the employee againstexpenses and losses incurred in the course of employment.
3.To take care of the employees'health and safety atwork.This is also
provided for in statute.
雇主应该给予员工提供安全的工作环境、设备等,如果雇主没有疏忽大意or act unreasonably那么雇主没有违反此义务。例如,1953年,工厂被洪水淹没,雇主在大部分地方洒满木据屑,结果一个员工在工厂滑到,那么雇主不需要承担责任,因为雇主已经做了自己应该做的。
4.To provide work(if there is nowork available and the employer continues to pay its employees)
对于员工,雇主要给予工作使得员工能够获得相应remuneration。例如,如果一个工作是piecework orcommission basis,雇主有一个implied duty to provide work toenable employee to earn the reasonable sum.对于实习生,雇主有义务提供工作来锻炼员工成为skilled worker.
1.Pay and equality:员工有权利获得最低工资,男性女性员工要公平对待,不能有歧视。
2.Time off work:指带薪休假
3.Maternity rights and the'work-lifebalance'
4.Health and safety
Working time:英国工作时间是一周不超过48小时