众所周知,ACCA F3《财务会计》的主要目的是通过学习财务会计相关的基本原则和概念,熟练掌握复式记账法,并能针对不同组织形式的企业编制基本的财务报表……还在为考试备考而发愁?高顿ACCA学霸经验笔记资料免费领取>>>自提,戳:ACCA资料【新手指南】+内部讲义+解析音频
公司最重要的营业活动就是Sales和Purchases,而Credit sales和Credit purchases占据了最大的比例。Trade receivables伴随着赊销行为发生而形成了,而Trade payables伴随着赊购行为发生而形成了。
这门课程主要侧重于介绍财务会计的一些基础知识,并可以编制简单的财务报表。为后续科目的学习打好基础。所以在基础阶段需要对教材反复研读,并进行相关习题的巩固练习。今天中国ACCA考试网给大家整理了一份ACCA F3高频考点“关于影响Trade receivables和Trade payables的所有情况”,希望可以帮助大家顺利通关ACCA F3科目考试。
公司最重要的营业活动就是Sales和Purchases,而Credit sales和Credit purchases占据了最大的比例。Trade receivables伴随着赊销行为发生而形成了,而Trade payables伴随着赊购行为发生而形成了。
站在整体的角度,F3财务会计就是将公司发生的交易通过Doubleentry bookkeeping system记录下来,最终编制成了财务报表。
这里给同学们整理了一下关于影响公司应收账款(Tradereceivables)和应付账款(Trade payables)的所有情况。以下罗列了所有的交易情况形成的会计分录。最重要的是明确区分交易会带来Tradereceivables or Trade payables的增加还是减少。
DrTrade receivables
Cr Sales
2.Customerpays for goods purchased on credit
Cr Trade receivables
3.Customerobtains the settlement/cash discount from the business when pays for goodspurchased on credit
DrDiscount allowed
Cr Trade receivables
4.Customerreturns goods to the business
DrSales return
Cr Trade receivables
5.Thebusiness refunds the customer for the sales return if customer has paid beforereturning the goods
DrTrade receivables
Cr Bank
6.Interest chargedon customer for overdue accounts
DrTrade receivables
Cr Interest income
DrTrade payables
Cr Trade receivables
8.Dishournedcheque for the business received from credit customer
DrTrade receivables
Cr Bank
9.Write off irrecoverable debts(Bad debts)
DrIrrecoverable debts expense(Bad debts)
Cr Trade receivables
1.Credit purchase
Cr Trade payables
2.The business pays for goods purchased on credit
DrTrade payables
Cr Bank
3.The business obtains the settlement/cash discount fromthe supplier when pays for goods purchased on credit
DrTrade payables
Cr Discount received
4.The business returns goods to supplier
DrTrade payables
Cr Purchase return
5.The supplier refunds the business for the purchasereturn if the business has paid before returning the goods
Cr Trade payables
6.Interest charged on the business for overdue accounts
DrInterest expense
Cr Trade payables
7.Contra entries
DrTrade payables
Cr Trade receivables
8.Dishournedcheque for the business paid to supplier
Cr Trade payables
好了,以上就是今天的内容了,如果你还在为2017年3月份ACCA F3科目考试而担心,可以点击此处:独家授权丨ACCA F3“押题之神”又出超级讲义...,查看考试押题哦~