ACCAP环节全面机考?ACCA协会正式公布2021年3月开始执行!从二零二一年3月16日开始,中国大陆P环节ACCA考试方式将全面实施发展战略专业机考!今年 十二月考期是发展战略专业课最后一次笔纸考试。怎样解决ACCA-P环节机考改革创新?P环节机考应当留意什么内容?详细信息以下:
Strategic Professional CBE support
1、Introducing the CBE
Start by getting familiar with the CBE interface for the Strategic Professional (SP) exams, you can do this by accessing the resources linked below.
2、CBE guidance document
Read through the CBE Guidance document (linked for and all other exams), this provides a comprehensive introduction to the SP CBE functionality. This will guide you as you start to explore specimens and other practice content on the practice platform.

3、Practice Platform
Make it a habit to practice exam questions using the PRACTICE PLATFORM. You’ll be able to view up to date specimens and past exam questions provided by ACCA.
4、CBE preparation videos
Watch the bitesize videos introducing what to consider before the exam day, exam strategy and how to manage the workspace effectively, including tips and techniques for completing answers.
5、CBE Preparation webinars
Watch the on-demand CBE preparation videos including a practical demonstration from an expert tutor showing you how to work through a question and effectively utilise the CBE functionality.
6、March 2020 review videos
Watch expert tutors review the March 2020 CBE, referring to examiner feedback and explaining exam approach to certain questions in the exam.
7、Managing the SP CBE workspace
Watch our short video on how to manage the SP CBE workplace effectively. Acquire tips and tricks that can make it more efficient for you when attempting questions in the real exam.
管理SP CBE工作区:通过短视频了解官方如何有效管理SP CBE工作场所,让考生在考试中更有效率地答题。
8、How to succeed in subject specific SP CBE
During August, we will be hosting ‘How to succeed in SP CBE’ webinars. The sessions will recap the available SP CBE support resources, share an expert tutor’s top tips for approaching the exam, and will cover guidance on effective workspace management, as well as a live Q&A
如何在特定主题的SP CBE中取得成功:ACCA官方在8月份举办了相关研讨会,分享了专家导师应对考试的各类技巧等。