
Incremental budgeting

An incremental budgeting is starting from the previous period’s budget or actual results and then adding or subtracting an incremental amount to get this year’s budget.
Applied conditions
Stable businesses; The current operations are effective,efficient and economic; Certain costs such as staff salaries.
Pros & Cons
Pros(万精油):Quick and easy; Time saving.
Builds on previous information; Encourage budget slack; Lack of business scrutiny.
Zero-based budgeting
Zero based budgeting requires each cost element to be specifically justified. The budgetstarts from zero and the activities are being undertaken for the first time.
Define the activities to be evaluated(decision packages——mutually exclusive & incremental)确定决策包;Evaluate and rank the activities评估和排序;Allocate resources分配资源。

Non-profit-making and service organizations; Discretionary cost占比较大的企业
Pros & Cons
Pros:Remove insufficient and obsolete operations; Increased staffs involved at all levels; Responds to changes in business environment.
Cons:Focuses on short term benefits; Requires high management skills; Time consuming; Ranking can be difficult.
听了老师的讲解,相信大家对于这两种预算方法都有了更深入的了解,那么下面我们来看一道真题(2016 December)
Which TWO of the following statements regarding zero based budgeting are correct?
A. It is best applied to support expenses rather than to direct costs
B. It can link strategic goals to specific functional areas
C. It carries forward inefficiencies from previous budget periods
D. It is consistent with a top-down budgeting approach
解析:A:support expense属于discretionary cost,ZBB不适用于生产制造型企业,A正确。B:ZBB是从0开始的,所有活动都当做是第一次发生,所以能够把战略目标跟具体的举措联系起来,B正确。C:描述的是incremental budgeting的特点。D:由于是从0开始,所以只有上级的投入不够,需要各个等级工作人员的参与,因此D错误。