众所周知,ACCA学员在考完ACCA F阶段所有9门课程之后,ACCA学员需要在自己的my acca账户系统中完成道德测试模块(Professional Ethics Module)。同时,要申请OBU学位的同学们也要完成道德模块。今天中国ACCA考试网就给大家解读一下ACCA职业到的模块...
有资格参加P1(Governance,Risk and Ethics)科目考试的学员可以获得进入道德测试模块的资格。建议学员在备考P1的同时或之前做道德测试模块(Professional Ethics Module)。
You mustcomplete all 9 units of this module in the order presented.(See below)
3、What is ethics?
4、Rules VS Principles
5、About ACCA's fundamentalprinciples
6、The Framework
7、Case Study
8、Tell us what you have learned
9、The Personal Ethics Diagnostic andReflective
You willwork through several short tests,they are only included to help you see if youhave understood the material that you have covered.There is no pass or failgrade.
The firstsix units introduce you to some theory about ethics and professionalism.Thenext three units give you the chance to put that theory into practice,reflecton your learning and on your preferred ethical approach.
Once youhave completed the Professional Ethics module,your submission may be reviewedby ACCA to make sure that you have properly worked through the module.
Click thename of a unit to move to it.You must work through the units in order.You canalways go back and review a unit you have already worked through.
三、Sound and animation
Thedialogue in the case study,the seventh unit,is spoken aloud.You can turn thesound on or off by clicking the Sound button.You may also want to adjust thesound level using the volume feature on your computer.
四、If you need assistance
If youneed technical help using this module,please email ACCA Connect atinfo@accaglobal.com with a description of your problem or phone+44(0)141 5822000.If you need help with an ethical dilemma in the workplace,please talk tosomeone within your organisation.