正在准备2017年3月ACCA考试的小伙伴们要注意了,在进入ACCA考场前,一定要看看ACCA考场规则,清楚ACCA考场注意事项,以避免不必要的麻烦。 今天帅小编就给大家说一下 2017年3月ACCA考场规则和注意事项,请仔细阅读: 1.考生必须准时到场考试,一旦迟到,考试时间不会延长。考生一定注意:3小时答题时间及15分钟的读题时间。阅读过程中,考生可以浏览试题册,也可以答题,实际上ACCA答题时间是三小时十五分钟。 2.考试开始一小时后,考生不允许再进入考场,直到考试结束,考生才允许离开考场。如果考生要求短时间离开考场,必须有监考人员陪同。 3.考生必须将书包和公文包放置监考人员规定处。考生只能用黑色圆珠笔作答。考生必须确认自己参加的考试的代号与准考证上的考试科目代号一致。 4.监考人员宣布考试结束后,考生必须立即停止作答并且在座位上坐好,直到监考人员宣布离开考场。 ACCA考试与考场规则(官方英文原版): If you are intending to take ACCA exams,please read ACCA exam rules below1You are required to comply in all respects with any instructions issued by the registrar,exam supervisor,and invigilators before and during an exam. 2You may not attempt to deceive the registrar or the exam supervisor by giving false or misleading information. 3You are not allowed to take to your exam desk,possess,use,or intend to use while at that desk,any books,notes or other materials except those authorised by the registrar.If you are found to have taken to your desk,or possessed while at that desk,unauth